
9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

I built a six-figure remote business and walked away from the 9 to 5 at age 46. Every Tuesday, I email a story, tip, or idea to help you climb down the corporate ladder and live life on your terms.

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Can't think of a side hustle idea? Here's where you should start

Step# 2 in my "Roadmap to Escape the 9-5" is to start a side hustle or business that can eventually replace the income from your day job. However, most people struggle to come up with a side hustle idea. There are likely a few reasons for this: They're focused on the wrong thing (money) - never chase the money They lack confidence in their abilities They're afraid to start Indecisive/ can't think of a 'good' business idea Regardless of the reason, if you're struggling to find the right side...

Happy Saturday! We're back and unpacked from our trip to Nova Scotia! If you missed my last email, Laura and I took her parents to the East Coast earlier this month. We flew into Halifax, rented a car, and spent eight days touring the province - four days in Cape Breton (drove the Cabot Trail) and then four days back in Halifax. The trip wasn't quite as relaxing as our last visit five years ago, as our role was more "tour guide" than tourist this time. ;) But we had a wonderful time,...

Happy Tuesday! I'm back to my weekly schedule after taking an unplanned break for a few weeks. A few of you reached out to see what was up — thanks for checking on me! : ) All is good! I thought I'd share an update on what's been happening this summer and my plans for the fall... Ottawa trip Laura and I were in Ottawa at the end of July for a few days to see my parents and attend a "cousins" reunion. I have 34 first cousins on my Mom's side of the family, and a few of them decided to plan a...

Happy Tuesday! While doing my once-per-month scroll-through of Threads this week, I was reminded why you should never look to strangers for advice on social media. (If you're unfamiliar with Threads, it's Facebook's parent Meta's version of Twitter). As I scrolled through my feed, I came across the following "Thread": "I NEED MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. What's your best side hustle?" Over 150 replies followed their question. I scrolled through about 20 or 30, stopped, and shook my head....

My wife and I recently visited with a friend who had just completed her MBA in mid-career. She had spent over two years studying, balancing her coursework with a demanding corporate job and being a Mom. I cannot imagine how challenging it must have been. I was ready for even more good news about how getting her MBA had resulted in a big promotion or that she was being considered for more senior roles in the company. Instead, she told us how frustrated she was. She had already been turned down...

I was confident my fitness would improve when I left the 9-5 in 2022. After all, I was trading in an hour-long commute and sitting at a desk 40 hours a week for complete control over my time. With a more flexible schedule, it was a foregone conclusion that I would have more time to eat well and exercise. Or so I thought. One of the challenges of being self-employed is that you tend to think about your business around the clock. When you're not doing the work, you're thinking about the work...

I've heard stories lately of people who quit their jobs and dove into entrepreneurship prematurely, only to fail and have to return within months. It reminds me of an experience I had a few years ago as I was building my business. It was 2019. My monthly side hustle income had just crossed the $2,000/month mark, and my only client asked if I could jump on a call. He then asked me if I would be interested in leaving my job as a bank manager to work for him full-time. He offered me the same...

Hey everyone! Just over a week ago, at the Raising Generational Wealth virtual summit, I shared the 7-step road map I followed to build a remote business and leave the 9-5. I know some of you attended the summit and watched my presentation. (Thank you!!) I'm planning to break the video up and create a free 6- or 7-day email course for new subscribers, but I wanted anyone interested to have a chance to watch it as well. Here's a link to the video, or you can click on the image below. By the...

There are two dangerous positions for a freelancer: 1) Needing work and 2) feeling like you have enough work and don't need to look for more. Thankfully, I learned this lesson about six months after going full-time. I lost a $3,000/month client as quickly as it took to read the two-line email I received. While I still had enough income from other clients, I hadn't been actively networking—building relationships or reaching out to potential leads—and suddenly felt very vulnerable. That...

You can take your business to the next level through outsourcing. However, you can't hand off every job. You have to choose carefully the tasks you assign to others. You must always do the work you are uniquely qualified to do. For example, as a freelance writer and editor, I refuse to delegate the writing and crafting of content. I am relentless about delivering the highest-quality work for my clients on time. I work on between 70 and 80 articles each month, examining and carefully reviewing...