Don't quit your job too early...

I've heard stories lately of people who quit their jobs and dove into entrepreneurship prematurely, only to fail and have to return within months.

It reminds me of an experience I had a few years ago as I was building my business.

It was 2019. My monthly side hustle income had just crossed the $2,000/month mark, and my only client asked if I could jump on a call. He then asked me if I would be interested in leaving my job as a bank manager to work for him full-time. He offered me the same salary I was making at the bank. (low six-figures)

My initial reaction was excitement - I was buzzing. Here I was, wanting so badly to leave the corporate world behind, and within a year of starting my side hustle, I had an opportunity to walk away from my job.

I told him I was very interested but would have to think about it, discuss it with my wife, etc. Deep down, I knew that the timing wasn't right. But at the same time, I wondered if I would get another opportunity like this one.

Laura's response was something like, "Colin, I trust you to make the right decision. If you think this is it, then I'm all in." (For the record, my wife is the most supportive person I have ever known).

So, I took the matter to a few close friends whose opinions I trust. All three had online businesses, and one had been a full-time entrepreneur for over 10 years.

All three told me (in their own words) that the timing didn't seem right and I would be taking an enormous risk.

As hard as it was to hear, I knew they were right. I wasn't ready.

I hadn't built up my emergency fund for my family to fall back on if needed. I only had one client. And that client could change their plans at any time. Sure, I would "be my own boss," but I was essentially moving from one full-time job to another.

I waited another three years. As the pandemic came and went, I continued building my business—I got better at my craft, I built relationships, I found more clients, and Laura and I prepared ourselves financially.

When the opportunity came around again, we were ready.


I firmly believe the old saying that "nothing worth having comes easy." I also think that most people have what it takes to create a path out of the corporate world. But getting the timing right requires discipline and patience.

You know what can help? Having a plan that you can follow.

If you haven't checked out my "7-Step Road Map to Escape the 9-5," please do!

Have a great week!

- Colin

9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

I built a six-figure remote business and walked away from the 9 to 5 at age 46. Every Tuesday, I email a story, tip, or idea to help you climb down the corporate ladder and live life on your terms.

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