I'm speaking at a virtual summit. Get your FREE pass inside!

Hey everyone!

I'm interrupting regular programming this week to let you know about an upcoming virtual summit from May 2-4th, 2024.

The event is completely free and features 20+ speakers, including yours truly! : )

The summit's theme is: Raising Generational Wealth: Transforming Your Family's Financial Future.

As the parent of three kids (now 23, 21, and 17 years old), this topic is close to my heart.

I know how hard it is for parents to navigate the many financial challenges of raising a family while trying to prepare their kids to be financially savvy.

Here is a sampling of topics being presented at the summit:

  • How Couples Can LOVE Talking About Money
  • Blueprint for Financial Freedom: Building Your Financial Plan
  • How to Introduce Kids to Investing With Confidence
  • Session: Raising Tomorrow’s CEOs : Cultivating Entrepreneurship in Kids
  • Helping Kids Follow the 3 Rules of Wealth

As for me, I will likely be the only speaker showing parents how to quit their jobs. 😂.

I'm sharing my 7-Step Road Map to Escape the 9 to 5.

If you want to learn more about building generational wealth, grab a free pass to the summit here!

I hope to see you there!



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

I built a six-figure remote business and walked away from the 9 to 5 at age 46. Every Tuesday, I email a story, tip, or idea to help you climb down the corporate ladder and live life on your terms.

Read more from 9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

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