Two very dangerous positions for a freelancer...

There are two dangerous positions for a freelancer: 1) Needing work and 2) feeling like you have enough work and don't need to look for more.

Thankfully, I learned this lesson about six months after going full-time. I lost a $3,000/month client as quickly as it took to read the two-line email I received.

While I still had enough income from other clients, I hadn't been actively networking—building relationships or reaching out to potential leads—and suddenly felt very vulnerable.

That experience taught me that no matter how well things are going, you can never get too comfortable.


Also, being in a position where you need the work can cause you to undercharge.

This past month, I landed a new freelance writing client - writing about investments for a U.S. stock exchange. Because I have a full slate of clients and didn't need the work, I felt comfortable asking for $.80 USD/ per word, which is the highest rate I've requested yet. The client accepted without hesitation.

However, if I were in a position where I was feeling desperate—say I'd just lost a client and was feeling the pressure—I likely would have asked for far less in fear of being turned down.

So, if you're a new freelancer or thinking about becoming one, remember two things:

  1. You can never get too comfortable - always be looking for potential clients
  2. It's easier to charge what you're worth when you don't need the work.

Have a great week!

- Colin

9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

I built a six-figure remote business and walked away from the 9 to 5 at age 46. Every Tuesday, I email a story, tip, or idea to help you climb down the corporate ladder and live life on your terms.

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