What are you outsourcing?

You can take your business to the next level through outsourcing.

However, you can't hand off every job. You have to choose carefully the tasks you assign to others.

You must always do the work you are uniquely qualified to do. For example, as a freelance writer and editor, I refuse to delegate the writing and crafting of content. I am relentless about delivering the highest-quality work for my clients on time.

I work on between 70 and 80 articles each month, examining and carefully reviewing every word in every sentence.

As a result, I receive emails like this one from last week fairly regularly.

I know freelancers who outsource their work to less experienced (and cheaper) help. I edit their work.

And trust me, it shows in the final product.

So...what do I outsource?

My taxes, for one thing.

Ever since my wonderful Mom taught me to fill out a tax return when I was 18, I've loved doing taxes. (I'm weird, I know)

For the next 28 years, I looked forward to completing my return every tax season—until 2 years ago, when I shifted to full-time self-employment and hired an accountant.

I could have continued doing my own taxes; it's not as though they had become overly complicated.

So, why would I stop doing something that I enjoy?

Because I can pay a professional to do a better job than I would while freeing myself up to focus on my most valuable work.


As you build your side hustle or business, consider outsourcing some of the things you spend time doing. Ask yourself. What can be delegated? And what are things that only you are qualified to do?

- Colin



By the way, have you grabbed your FREE ticket to the Raising Generational Wealth Summit that's happening this week? I'm speaking at the summit with more than 20 other amazing speakers. I would love to see you there!

9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

I built a six-figure remote business and walked away from the 9 to 5 at age 46. Every Tuesday, I email a story, tip, or idea to help you climb down the corporate ladder and live life on your terms.

Read more from 9-5 Escape by Colin Graves

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